Thoughts create reality. How to make your thoughts work for you.

Do you ever wonder where your thoughts come from? Our thoughts have a profound impact on the reality we experience. However, sometimes we find ourselves trapped in negative thinking patterns without knowing how to break free. The good news is that there are ways to change your thoughts and create a more positive outlook. 

In this blog post, we will explore six phrases you need to eliminate from your self-talk to change your life for the better. By identifying and eliminating these negative statements, you can unlock the potential within you and shape a new, empowering reality

Thoughts create reality

You’ve probably come across numerous articles or videos online discussing how our thoughts shape our reality. It’s true, but have you ever stopped to consider where these thoughts originate? If there’s an aspect of your life that you’re unhappy with, whether it’s your relationships, career, finances, or personal growth, you may not know how to change it yet. You might lack the necessary resources or information to make a shift.

Stop saying to yourself these 6 phrases

By simply ceasing to say these six phrases to yourself, you can transform your reality. Think back to your childhood. The experiences and emotions you encountered during that time influenced how you perceive the world today. It’s like a filter was installed in your mind, altering your perception of similar situations throughout your life. 

For instance, if someone used certain critical or judgmental words toward you, you might have internalized the belief that all similar comments are aimed at you. This filter forms limiting beliefs that can impact your personal growth.

When you enter a new relationship and your partner unknowingly uses similar phrases, you may interpret them as criticism or judgment, reinforcing the belief that you’re not good enough or deserving. 

This filter, though powerful, is not set in stone. You can change it. While we don’t always know the exact source of our thoughts, we do know that thoughts give rise to emotions, which then influence our feelings, behaviors, and ultimately shape our reality.

Often, people try to change their reality by focusing on modifying their behaviors or suppressing their emotions. They might even turn to medication to alleviate their distress. 

However, these approaches only scratch the surface and fail to address the root cause—the thoughts themselves. To create lasting change, you need to delve into the thought patterns that govern your perception of the world. It may seem challenging to identify and work with these thoughts as they occur rapidly, but they always manifest through language—the words you speak to yourself.

So, how can you begin to make a change? 

Start by transforming your self-talk and eliminating these detrimental phrases. By doing so, you can reshape your entire reality. Remember, while our thoughts manifest instantly in dreams, real-life outcomes take time. 

Be patient and trust that by shifting your thoughts, you’re setting the stage for positive transformations. The how and when may be uncertain, but change will happen.

1 Never and Always

The first phrase you need to eliminate from your life is “never” and “always.” When you declare, “I will never do that,” the universe seems to have a funny way of making it happen.

 Suddenly, you find yourself in a situation where you’re doing exactly what you said you’d never do. It’s like the mind takes your words as a command and manifests the very experience you wanted to avoid. 

Similarly, using “always” sets unrealistic expectations. Change is an inherent part of life, and nothing remains constant. So, when you say, “I want to always be happy,” you set yourself up for disappointment because life naturally has ups and downs. These phrases shape the reality you experience.

2 Destroying, Burying, devastating, bloody, crushing, horrible

Certain words carry immense power and can shape your emotional and physical well-being. Phrases like “destroying,” “burying,” “devastating,” “bloody,” “crushing,” and “horrible” have a profound impact on your mind and body.

When you say something like, "This job is killing me," your subconscious mind takes it seriously, unable to comprehend that you're merely joking. It triggers your stress response, intensifying symptoms of anxiety, fear, or panic attacks.

By eliminating these intense words, you can regain control over your emotions and reactions. While challenges exist, try to express them without intensifying their impact. Become more mindful of your language when speaking to friends, loved ones, or coworkers, and you’ll notice how certain words contribute to the distortion of your symptoms and reactions.

3 That’s the end of me, I’m broke

Another phrase you need to let go of is “that’s the end of me” or “I’m broke.” These statements often accompany panic attacks, as they create a sense of doom and despair. 

When you feel like something is the end of you, your mind associates it with death, triggering a panic response. Even minor incidents, like your partner being late or not returning a call, can lead to overwhelming anxiety. To avoid this, replace these phrases with softer words

Instead of thinking it’s the end, acknowledge that it’s challenging or worrisome. By using less intense language, your mind will understand that it’s not the end of the world and won’t respond with panic symptoms.

4 What is wrong with me?: Shift Away from Self-Blame

The phrase “what is wrong with me?” is something we’ve all asked ourselves countless times. It stems from a desire to understand why misfortunes or difficulties occur in our lives. 

However, asking this question only reinforces the belief that something is unresolved or inherently faulty within us. Your subconscious mind then tries to find answers, often leading to self-blame and limiting beliefs. Break this cycle by refraining from asking what’s wrong with you. Instead, focus on growth and finding solutions without attaching blame or guilt to yourself.

5 It's a disaster, it's unimaginable, I won't survive, I'm dead: Choose Empowering Language

Another phrase to avoid is “I won’t survive, I’m dead.” Similar to the previous point, intense words like “disaster” or “devastating” create vivid images in your mind. 

These images often resemble natural calamities that cause destruction and loss. When you associate such words with personal experiences, your mind interprets them as signals to devastate your body, resulting in physical symptoms. Remember that your mind is always listening to you, so choose empowering language instead. 

Express your challenges without exaggeration, and you'll notice a positive shift in your mindset.

I hope this article has had a profound impact on how you perceive your life and the power of your mind. By simply eliminating a few words from your vocabulary, you have the ability to create significant changes in your reality. 

Remember, you have the power to change your thoughts, reshape your reality, and create a life that truly reflects your desires. Invest in yourself and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

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